Zhou Xiaolong settled down a little and rode on the wall. That’s right. This cabin is just northwest and impartial.

If there is no miscalculation, Professor Cui must be trapped in it.
But just now, a body was found halfway, and Zhou Xiaolong dared not jump into the courtyard to rescue Professor Cui. Why don’t you wait for Long Lina to come with the police force?
Take out your mobile phone. Zhou Xiaolong wants to try it. Because people talk high, there may be a signal.
The mobile phone did have some signals, but it was very weak, and Zhou Xiaolong became conscious because the higher he recognized, the stronger the signal was.
It’s a pity that even after straightening up, the cell phone signal is still not very strong, and Zhou Xiaolong wants to make a call and give it a try.
Holding a mobile phone while calling Long Lina, Zhou Xiaolong looked around the scenery.
This place is Zhou Xiaolong’s first visit. In case Long Lina asks, he really can’t figure out what place it is.
This area of cultivated land is really large, with hundreds of acres connected into a piece. Zhou Xiaolong’s position is slightly higher, and the corn field is layered and gentle, and gradually extends to a river.
The river is about more than ten meters wide, and it encircles the past from this area. Behind it, there is a undulating highland that extends to the right in a semi-encircling manner.
People who know a little about geomantic omen can see at a glance that this place is like a tomb geomantic omen bureau.
Zhou Xiaolong waited for Cong for a few seconds and he thought of many things.
There may be a tomb here. Professor Cui is a professor of archaeology and has always been fascinated by antiques and archaeology. It is precisely because of this that he may have been tied up here by grave robbers as an accomplice?
This rough yard just repairs the entrance of the thief’s cave to facilitate grave robbers to enter and leave the tomb.
But it won’t be such an old cemetery.
In general, ancient tombs are located in the Tianjin-Haihe area along the Yellow River, which was developed and built in the Qing Dynasty.
So Zhou Xiaolong thinks it should be an ancient tomb in the Qing Dynasty.
Judging from the geomantic pattern here, although it is far less than the continuous Long Mai in the Central Plains, the terrain here is very good for the plain area of Jinhai.
If it’s really a Qing tomb, it should at least be a royal official cemetery.
This corn field seems to be a new species, because the corn is large and small, and there is no fertilizer when watering it. It seems that the purpose of farming is not to harvest food, but to make a barrier for the high corn plant to hide people’s eyes and ears.
However, the actual purpose is to rob the tomb.
Zhou Xiaolong sighed. It seems that this group of grave robbers is definitely not petty theft, but a very organized and planned recidivist in the Jianghu.
It’s time to think about this. It’s been about a minute or two, but the number dialed to Longlina has not been connected. It seems that the signal here is still not strong enough
Maybe Zhou Xiaolong was so absorbed in it that his wall had exposed his whereabouts for a long time.
A black barrel protrude from a window in that dark house.
Suddenly "bang", the gun was fired at Zhou Xiaolong’s feet! ! !
Well, this kind of gun is made in China, and it is very powerful at close range, but it is much worse at a long distance, for fear that the noise is too loud and the powder content is not enough.
This shot just hit Zhou Xiaolong’s upper and calf.
Shit! ! !
Zhou Xiaolong suddenly felt that there was a lot of iron sand stabbing into the skin, and the pain was very great. He didn’t stand firm and actually fell towards the yard.
After entering the hospital, Zhou Xiaolong wanted to get up and climb over the wall to escape and then go to the police, but before he could react, he was kicked hard behind his back and lay face down again.
When Zhou Xiaolong looked up again, three or four black shadows appeared from nowhere around him, some holding guns and some holding shovels, and they were getting closer and closer to themselves.
I still want to struggle against it, but suddenly I was knocked on the back of my head with a stick.
Suddenly Xiao-long Zhou lost consciousness and his eyes turned unconscious.
I don’t know how long it’s been, but Zhou Xiaolong feels that his body has been shaking and bumping for a long time, and it seems that it lasted for a long time before his consciousness slowly returned.
I opened my eyes and saw that I seemed to be lying in a van. It was dark and there was a little light coming from the window gap.
It says it’s already daytime.
"Young man, are you awake? !” This sound is far away and near.
Zhou Xiaolong slowly rolled his eyes to find the speaker, and then he saw a daze face, an old man.
This man is probably Professor Cui.
At this time, Professor Cui’s face was gaunt, and one of his gold-rimmed glasses was broken, leaving a pair of glasses legs with a rubber band around his ears.
Professor Cui stared at Zhou Xiaolong’s eyes very earnestly and then winked at Zhou Xiaolong.
Zhou Xiaolong looked behind Professor Cui and there were two men sitting at the back door of the car looking at Professor Cui’s side.
"Old man, I’m I’m fine."
Zhou Xiaolong took a deep breath and said half a sentence, and the back of his head was sore along with his neck.
I touched the back of my head. Fortunately, there was no blood. I think it was a bruise when I was knocked unconscious by a wooden stick.
Zhou Xiaolong touched his leg again. His right leg and ankle were cut by iron ore in the gun. Good bones are fine.
They’re all skin injuries. It seems that these murderers didn’t die.
But Zhou Xiaolong doesn’t know where the car is going and where to take him and Professor Cui. !
Chapter 3 reform-through-labour farm
Zhou Xiaolong can’t talk to Professor Cui because there are two murderers listening in the back of this van.
Although there are many questions I want to ask Professor Cui, now is not the time to make those two people suspicious.
Ok, temporarily put your back against the carriage, and Zhou Xiaolong closed his eyes while breathing his luck to evacuate the bruises on his back as soon as possible.
On the one hand, gathering the true qi to improve his health, on the other hand, Zhou Xiaolong is also very emotional. Uncle Bai Mo often tells him that you must be very careful when walking in the rivers and lakes.
Zhou Xiaolong remembered this sentence, but he didn’t deeply realize its profound meaning. Otherwise, he would have suffered today because of carelessness.
Zhou Xiaolong is a little sure to escape from these bad guys, but now there is another professor Cui. If you escape Zhou Xiaolong with a hand tied to Professor Cui, you really don’t know if you are so powerful.
The car is getting more and more bumpy. Although Zhou Xiaolong can’t see the scenery outside, he knows that this car should go to a remote place.
Professor Cui probably doesn’t know where the purpose is, because Zhou Xiaolong saw that Professor Cui was frowning and looked blank.
This stuffy tanker has been driving for more than an hour since Zhou Xiaolong regained consciousness, and then the car stopped.
When the car door hit, the dazzling sunshine made Zhou Xiaolong close his eyes, and soon someone came to pull him and pushed him all the way outside the carriage.
It took about a minute for the eyes to get used to the light. Zhou Xiaolong walked side by side with Professor Cui and there were two people pushing and shoving behind him.
Zhou Xiaolong took the opportunity to ask Professor Cui in a low voice, "Are you Professor Chen?"
Professor Cui nodded. "Are you here to save me?"
Zhou Xiaolong also nodded and then he asked Professor Chen, "What is this place? !”
Professor Cui shook his head with a bitter face and said in a low voice, "I don’t know if this is a group of thieves. Why didn’t you bring the police with you?" !”
Professor Cui thinks it’s too simple. Zhou Xiaolong’s words can be said that this field can also go one step at a time.
"Hey, what did you two say? !”
There was a big fellow behind him who found Zhou Xiaolong whispering with Professor Cui and kicked Zhou Xiaolong’s ass.
Fortunately, this foot is not heavy. Zhou Xiaolong deliberately didn’t dodge so that the other party knew that he had time to doubt himself.
But Zhou Xiaolong turned around and stared at the big fellow. At the sight of this man, he still held a stick in his hand. It was probably this guy who gave himself a sap at night.
Where did Zhou Xiaolong eat such a dumb loss? Who dares to bully him when he is moving?
So Zhou Xiaolong remembered the man’s appearance in his heart, and when the right time comes, he must teach this guy a good lesson.
"Turtle grandson, what the fuck are you looking at!"
The big fellow not only hates his heart, but also has a good temper. Zhou Xiaolong dares to stare at himself and raise the stick to fight again.
"Forget it, forget it," a thin man around the big fellow stopped him and said, "What are you doing, old black? You can’t change your temper. Last night, that good suspension didn’t kill people. We’re not killing people and setting fires in this business, do you understand?"