When he said this, he was already crying. "If we play Mitterrand, it will be over. If Mitterrand is over, St. Will will be over."

Albright is not so fatuous after all. He nodded to his captain, saying, "You stay and listen to Lord Wenner."
"It’s a papal position."
"God bless you."
"The Lord shines on the world."
After these scenes, Pope Albright left the battlefield with his guards and a group of cardinals and hurried to the rear. Although Albright was afraid of death, he knew how much his departure would affect morale. Therefore, he wisely did not order the whole team to retreat, but quietly changed places and retreated with a few people to symbolize the status of the Pope. Although he had to take the chariot, he stayed to give everyone the illusion that the Pope was still here and the emperor had not abandoned them.
"Patriarch Albright retreated" cried the deceitful ruler, pointing to the distance.
In the war, the soldiers looked at the distance behind them, but they could see clearly.
Qin Yi hey hey sneer at "timid but not stupid enough. Let’s go. Since he is out of the battlefield, he will save the trouble of the patriarch and stop robbing people on the battlefield. If the Pope goes to see the queen, he will just be taken away by two people."
"Aren’t you going to see Barjman?" Ask with a sly ruler
"Hum" Qin Yi sneered and replied, "It is so troublesome for the old man to take people away. The war has been defeated by St. Will. They won’t last long. I really want Barjman to take us to see the queen, fearing that the prairie people will have entered the city at that time."
"I want to break into the palace again." Then I kicked the roadside stone with a foot.
Then his eyes lit up and he pointed to the distance and shouted, "Look, Patriarch, the Templars are out. Wow, they are so tall and powerful, and their spears are so long and long!"
There have been traces of St. Will Templar Warriors in the wide cavalry passages in the huge heavy infantry phalanx.
Thick black armor almost covered their bodies, except for the eyes, nose, mouth and wrists. The whole cavalry was almost wrapped in armor, and even the horse body was hung with iron armor.
These heavy cavalry body armor weighs a hundred kilograms, which makes the load of a horse carrying a cavalry is similar to that of carrying two people. Therefore, the horses selected by the Templars are all high-loaded and high-loaded. This kind of horse is not suitable for long-distance running, but it is most suitable for short-distance sprinting in battlefield positional warfare because of its large self-loading capacity, and their impact is several times that of light cavalry.
The Templar knights who had been waiting for a long time when the front West Chi Qingqi roared and rushed to St. Will’s infantry array finally won the moment when they exerted their fighting power.
A total of 75 thousand templars are almost the last resistance force of Mande. They filed out of the large phalanx of St. Will’s heavy infantry and sent out a cold wave of death.
Fifteen thousand spears were raised together to poke out a dense gun forest, and sixty thousand combat knives were drawn out of the scabbard, and the squire knights were all infantry. It was their duty to protect the knights in wartime. The main way of fighting was to slash the horse’s legs in close quarters. This way of fighting was extremely dangerous. Once trampled by horseshoes several times, they would have to be seriously injured. Without extraordinary courage, they could not be like this. Soldiers walked slowly towards the other cavalry with the templar horseshoes.
Qin Yi led the deceitful ruler while walking on a small slope, saying, "That’s because the distance killing weapon in their special cavalry gun is about two-thirds longer than that in the general cavalry gun. It can be stabbed to death when the enemy soldiers come to the side in the front, but it is also inconvenient to wave because it is too long. It is not suitable for frontal charge, not suitable for bypassing and not suitable for round-trip killing."
"That’s because they still have retinue protection. The speed and endurance of the retinue heavy cavalry are greatly limited. Since they can’t accelerate the abandonment of their retinue, they will simply give full play to their advantages to the extreme front battlefield. I estimate that even ten grassland cavalry can’t be an opponent with retinue templar." The ruler showed no weakness against Qin Yi’s contempt
Qin Yi looked at this small smile with appreciation. "Considering the forces of the retinue cooperative warfare, a templar team can indeed destroy its light cavalry several times in the frontal battlefield. This is true. The fact is that war is not arithmetic, and many things can be solved without doing arithmetic problems."
The distant battlefield is separated from the infantry phalanx, and a terrible cavalry Armageddon is playing at the moment.
The cavalry charged on the grassland are like waves crashing on the bank, violent and violent, like a group of fierce flesh-and-blood monsters
While the Templar Knights March forward like a piece of ice that is difficult to melt for ten thousand years, and train them into hard-hearted professional executioners in successive years. The dust and blood baths on the battlefield have washed away their weak human nature. After defeating them, they wantonly raped and plundered them, alienated them into cruel war machines, and adhered to the emperor’s will to make them feel guilty in the face of killing. They have a heartfelt enthusiasm for killing pagans.
While ordinary St. Will soldiers are still fighting fiercely and shivering, these professional executioners have cold hands and burning flames of killing.
As Xing Zhongyuan introduced, the attitude of these fanatics towards death is to expect them to believe that there are 77 virgins waiting for them in heaven …
Professional calm and black as ink armor turn every templar into an armored robot. When a large number of Western fighters hit these templars head-on, they violently collided and rolled up a stream of flesh and blood on the flat ground.
The attack of the Western Clan cavalry is like a net, which is densely combined in the sequence, showing an orderly spread all over the sky. All opponents escape from this net, but the templars turn themselves into a saw-toothed cutting knife with full horsepower. There are flying wheels everywhere, and the blades are sharp.
Western cavalry attack is free, and everyone can play it. If you look closely at 100 cavalry, you can have 100 kinds of fighting habits.
Templar attack is a well-organized team of ten men with spears at the same time and horses at the same time, with retinue knights accompanying the guards on both sides.
As soon as the cavalry on both sides confronted each other, the fierce flesh-and-blood monster touched the armored robot, and the disadvantages of the light cavalry suddenly showed.
Brave cavalry after brave cavalry rushed to the templar, but faced with heavy cavalry’s extremely long spears and rigid armor, they seemed to hit a wall and a mountain and hit their heads off.
The war horses whined in the whirlwind and sand, and one after another, the western horsemen threw themselves into the bloody wilderness.
Before they got up, the enemy’s thick iron hoofs had stepped on them and continued to impact ahead.
It’s as if a huge bulldozer templar created a bloody wilderness in this battlefield, and the enemy’s blood bodies were leveled again. The yellow ground in Ojihara was gradually dyed red, and the flesh and blood were cut out in a slaughterhouse. Fang Chen was littered on the ground, while the templar, known as the human flesh cutting machine, marched forward at a constant speed with neat steps, causing great harm to the enemies all the way.
It was the first time that he saw the heavy cavalry of a large army on the battlefield, and it was also the first time that he saw such a horrible killing scene
This is really a terrible army!
They are as cool, cold and cold-blooded as the Iceman, and they have a horrible smell of death in the black forest, as if they were going to devour all the boundless darkness …
Black-and-white sub-armies are like avalanches, sweeping over the cavalry of Xiguo, spreading murderous look, giving people great shock and oppression.
"That’s amazing. It seems that even the Xiguo people can’t stop the impact of the Templar."
"Frontal blocking is naturally unstoppable. If it is a frontal battle, 300,000 Xifu troops will pay half of the casualties even if they can win the opponent, but the question is who will be so stupid to confront the opponent?"
"But they’re not working now."
"You have to remember that everything can’t be seen by appearances. Western people have studied the tactics of various countries for many years, and they have a considerable understanding of each unit and each set of tactics. How can they not make corresponding restraint? That’s right. Now, the army of Xiguo is really hedging with the Templars, but how can you be sure that this situation will continue? Don’t forget that the advantage of light cavalry is speed, and the specialty of prairie people is that they can advance, retreat, stretch and retract heavy cavalry. Hey, hey, there is not a Yun Feng dancer who is good at light riding and heavy riding. There are also such generals in the Western Empire, and there are not a few. Look, from today, heavy cavalry will officially withdraw from the historical stage. "
As if it were a vicious curse, Qin Yi’s statement was quickly confirmed.
The situation is changing rapidly.
The army of Xifu, which was just rushing wildly, suddenly stopped their frontal hedging. After paying the price of thousands of cavalry killed in battle, they successfully took the infantry array of Templar out of a certain distance. At this time, a large number of Xifu cavalry roared and flew from both sides of Templar, and they raised their lassos again.
Instead of using close combat tactics, it is also a set of positional warfare tactics formulated by Grunt according to the characteristics of Templar warriors
Several long lassos dance in the middle plate and land on the important parts of the templar, such as the hands, necks, horses’ heads, etc. This flying rope skill is a unique skill of grassland herdsman, which has been practiced since childhood. It’s like dealing with those who refused horses in front of the heavy infantry phalanx. The western cavalry used these slow-moving heavy cavalry as wild horses to trap their opponents, and they quickly beat their horses and ran back.
Once the war in other countries turns around and retreats, it is a great defeat, but the retreat of grassland cavalry is another way for them to kill the enemy.
It is sometimes difficult for a general who doesn’t really know the prairie people to tell whether the prairie people are retreating or attacking.
And now it is.
This time, they immediately affected the whole templar team. When the huge steeds hit, the inertial force pulled a templar from their steeds, carrying heavy armor, which made it difficult for them to connect.
Some people finally got up and got caught in another lasso, and then the horses roared and dragged all the way to the rear.
The Western Cavalry took turns to throw rope at the Templar Warriors at a medium distance. They threw a longer distance than the other cavalry spears, but the cavalry spears could not stab each other, but they were pulled away by the enemy one by one.
As a result, the original neat and tight team was scattered.
A large number of retinue soldiers watched their master being dragged, and rushed out of the camp to try to cut the lasso, only to be dragged away by more western people.
These heavily armored cavalry and soldiers’ ordinary swords may not be very effective. On the contrary, dragging all the way can drag each other to the ground faster. Several Western cavalry roared and rushed from the outer edge of the templar team, tearing pieces of flesh and blood off the target body like a hungry wolf, shrinking and eating away a huge array of fighters.
I finally bowed my head and said, "I finally understand what people call the natural enemy of Xifu fighters. I am afraid that some Xifu people can do it and even my master may not be able to do it."
"That’s because he lacks soldiers who can carry out such tactics. No matter how good the tactical planning is, the executors are not excellent. That’s why I can’t agree to face-to-face alliance until I see your master play a victory. Believe me, even if your master can successfully surround the western army, it will still be an arduous battle for him to win these 300 thousand people."
I didn’t expect the ruler to smile gently. "But I still believe that the master can beat him. Soldiers can’t fight like Xiguo people, but Tianfeng Empire naturally has its own way of fighting. My master will also let Xiguo people see it."
"The old try to wait" Qin Yi smiles to say
The battlefield situation has changed again.
Templar warriors have completely resisted this harassing warfare. With a senior commander drinking heavily, Templar warriors finally gave up their tight formation and made a free impact.
After giving up the strict formation, a large number of heavy cavalry get short-term acceleration and free escape opportunities. The gap between heavy cavalry soldiers suddenly increases, which in turn makes the battlefield area expand rapidly. If you look down from it, you will see that the original Templar Warriors are like tightly wrapped flower buds. At this moment, all the petals suddenly bloom and roll out at the same time.
As far as the situation is concerned, it seems that the Templar Warriors have not lost many soldiers at this moment, but have increased many soldiers and their area has expanded several times.
This is an effective way to resist the opponent’s lasso attack. By expanding, it increases the ability to dodge and impact, but Qin Yi sighed lightly at that moment.
He said, "Every move of the Saint-Vail people is right in the middle of Grunt’s mind. Although others are not here, they have already worked out tactics and various countermeasures to defeat the enemy. You are a very difficult opponent."